About OKRs

OKRs have been around for decades and have been used successfully in many businesses, large and small. They were popularised by John Doerr in his book Measure What Matters. Here’s a link to John’s website and a short TED talk by John giving his take on OKRs.

OKR frameworks help organisations implement strategy by aligning employee actions with high level company objectives. The diagram below illustrates how an OKR framework supports the implementation of a business’s strategic plans.

OKRs in a Nutshell

OKRs are conceptually very simple:

  • create Objectives that will help you achieve your strategic goals

  • create Key Results that help you measure achievement of each objective

  • create Initiatives that help you achieve your objectives.

An OKR framework helps organisations implement strategy by aligning employee actions with high level company objectives. The diagram illustrates how an OKR framework supports the implementation of a business’s strategic plans.