Experts in OKRs

Feeling uncertain about implementing OKRs?

OKRs are fantastic for setting ambitious goals and driving continuous improvement. But let's be honest, changing how your company works can be intimidating. That's where we come in.

Our coaching packages take the guesswork out of OKRs. We provide a clear roadmap and ongoing support to guide you through every step, from setting up the framework to running your first cycles. Here's how it works:

1. Get Started on the Right Foot

We'll help you define the scope and structure of your OKR implementation plan. Think of it as setting the ground rules so everyone's on the same page.

2. Train Your Team for Success

We offer comprehensive training for everyone involved in OKRs, ensuring everyone understands the process and their role.

3. Implement, Monitor, and Refine

Once you've started your OKR journey, we'll be by your side during your first one or two OKR cycles. This includes:

  • Setting Clear Objectives and Key Results: We'll guide you through defining your goals and measurable outcomes.

  • Tracking Progress: We'll help you choose an OKR tracking system and monitor your progress.

  • Regular Check-ins: We'll facilitate regular discussions to stay on track and address any roadblocks.

  • Reviews and Adjustments: We'll help you analyse your progress and refine your OKRs for the next cycle.

Our goal is to empower you. After one or two cycles, you'll have a well-oiled OKR machine running smoothly. Of course, we're always here if you need additional support down the line.

4. Refresh Your OKR Program

Are you already using OKRs but worried that they are losing their impact? We can help you review and refresh your OKRs

Get started on the right foot

Getting started with OKRs can feel like a lot to unpack. That's why we recommend a collaborative approach involving key players across your organisation.

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Train your teams for success

Our OKR training workshops equip leaders to champion OKRs across the organisation and empower your teams to translate company goals into actionable plans

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Make Your OKRs Stick

Our OKR hypercare program is designed to guide you through one or two OKR cycles, typically enough to seamlessly integrate OKRs into your business and address any initial hiccups

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Refresh your OKRs

If your OKRs are losing their impact, our OKR Refresh package can get things back on track

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