
If you want to take a deeper dive into OKR theory and practice here are a few helpful resources to get you started.

What Matters: This website by the godfather of OKRs, John Doerr, provides resources and tools for implementing OKRs

John Doerr's TED talk explaining why the secret to success is setting the right goals.

How Google sets goals: OKRs. This talk about how Google used OKRs as a key driver of its growth has been viewed 1.2 million times

Atlassian's guide to OKRs. Atlassian provides a comprehensive guide to OKRs, covering the basics, setting effective OKRs, and common challenges

An HBR article discussing OKR benefits, challenges, and best practices

Tability has lots of good advice on how to use OKRs effectively

Mooncamp has a really helpful guide to OKRs and lots of other useful resources